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We hope you gladly consider a donation to Mt. Carmel Holy Church! 
"And let every person do as he has purposed in his heart - not grudgingly, or under constraint.
For God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Please mail donations to:

Mt. Carmel Holy Church

PO Box 693
Camden NJ, 08101


Text to Give
Simply text the word Give with the amount (e.g. Give 100) to 

(856) 230 2838

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Packing Boxes




Kids in Church

Mt. Carmel is a community of believers known for its giving. Since the church began, 70 years ago, each leader has had a vision for providing for its members and larger community. The church has maintained a weekly feeding program and has partnered with the American Red Cross' food and clothing drives. In recent years, the church has sponsored Thanksgiving Day drives, providing baskets of food to families in need. We are the church by the water, a place to have a new encounter with God, where people and families can hope to Begin Again!

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